
The Piece Of Equipment Crossfit Boxes Can’t Live Without

A Crossfit Box is like a family. I remember being so well looked after and supported regardless of my fitness level. It would be devastating to lose a member. We want you to be confident that won't happen.



Did you know?

  • DEFIBs are safe. They won't administer a shock unless they can help someone
  • Need to act fast - Defibrillation in 3 mins gives a 70% chance of survival (After 8 mins it is 10%). The average ambulance takes 8-10 mins to arrive
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THE WORST CASE SCENARIO That Kills 30,000 Aussies Every Year

There’s a commotion in the corner. A member is on the floor. One of your members comes running to you and says “I’ve called triple zero, they’re asking if we have a DEFIB?”

You don’t – Panic sets in – Your team try CPR – Am I doing it right? How fast was it again? How many breaths? Where’s the ambulance?  Every minute is agonising. It arrives in 8 minutes – good, but not good enough for the member on the floor. His chance of survival is now only 10%. The situation couldn’t be worse – But it didn’t have to be that way.


One decision from you, today and that scenario can play out very differently. Your team  know they have a DEFIB – they see it every day. They don’t remember exactly how to use it but they are still confident – They believe they can use it and know that it will tell them exactly how to use it AND coach them to give high-quality CPR.

They follow the simple instructions and do a good job. By the time the ambulance arrives the member still needs CPR but his heart is beating again. He’s got a 70% chance of making it home alive.

Dean Weight from Crossfit 168 just bought a DEFIB for his Box: “It’s been on the list for a while. We spent a little extra to get the additional CPR feedback of the 500p.”


The good news is that anyone can save a life with a HeartRESTART Confidence Package as it provides the technology and the confidence for everyday people to save the life of someone in Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Each of the 3 packages below include:

  • A life-saving, category leading DEFIB at an exclusive, member-only price
  • Unlimited access to our belief-evolution training that takes your team from Zero to HeartRESTART Confident in 12 minutes
  • HeartRESTART Compliance resources to help differentiate you as a venue who cares

You can get your venue on the road to HeartRESTART confidence in less than 5 mins today.

Simply click on your product, select how to pay and follow the simple check out procedure.

USE THE FOLLOWING DISCOUNT CODES:  Crossfit100plus for Gold Products (Additional $100 off plus free wall bracket and 3D sign or discounted cabinet) or Crossfit100 for Silver Products (Additional $100 off already discounted price below)

WE WILL LOOK AFTER EVERYTHING ELSE – We send you all you need to setup your device and have your team trained within a week.


Three Life-Changing Options For Your Business Additional Discounts Only Available Until Fri March 8th

Mainly Servicing Adults

$2,695.00$2,145.00 or $14.99 / weekSelect options

HeartRESTART Gold Compliance

View or Buy

Budget Conscious

$2,495.00$1,878.00 or $12.99 / weekSelect options

HeartRESTART Silver Compliance

View or Buy

Low Ongoing Cost of Ownership

All three devices only require one battery and pad change through their 8 year warranty period

Best Training In Market

Confidence building training developed with Ripen Psychology - Experts in adult learning

Simple To Save A Life

Devices specifically designed to be used by minimally or untrained users

Shows You Care

A demonstrated commitment to the safety of your staff and customers. Differentiating you as a venue who cares.


  • I’m glad I went to the DEFIB warehouse. It was important to me to get the best device and the alternatives I looked at were more expensive and lower quality. A good friend of mine’s life was saved by an office defib – I think everyone should have one.

    Antony Asquini – Owner, F45 Lidcolmbe
  • We have a warehouse and office facility and our team’s lives matter. I’d recommend all businesses get a defib and have been very happy with our choice of partner in the DEFIB warehouse.

    David Short -Owner, Shorty’s Liquor
  • We shopped around before making our purchase decision. They were the only supplier who took the time to explain our options and select a device type that met our needs. The other supplier faxed us a quote for 14 devices that were not even fit for purpose.

    Eva Balan, State Director – Microsoft
  • I didn’t have the time to become an expert in defibs. They took the time to explain what’s involved in owning an AED and saving someone’s life. Once we agreed on the best device I did some price checking – I wasn’t disappointed.

    Gerard Boyle, CEO – Mosman Club