We have the best training in the market. It is unique, compelling & efficient and is online. We genuinely believe that it is better than implementing a face to face training regime.
Most people liken DEFIB training to that of First Aid. The complication is that First Aid training is fundamentally different to that required for DEFIB familiarisation.
With First Aid training you are taking a motivated subset of employees away for a whole day once a year. With Sudden Cardiac Arrest you simply don’t have time to find a first aider nor can you rely on there being one around. Action needs to happen immediately with whoever is nearby.
So the goal with DEFIB training is to ensure that as close to 100% of your employees know that, trained or not, they can use a DEFIB to save someone’s life – and if a trained first aider is onsite that is a bonus.
Read moreOur Training has been built by professionals in adult learning. It leverages: